Propane Laws and Incentives in Indiana

The list below contains summaries of all Indiana laws and incentives related to propane.

State Incentives

Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Inspection and Maintenance Exemption

Dedicated AFVs are exempt from inspection and maintenance requirements if they operate exclusively on natural gas, propane, ethanol, hydrogen, or methanol.

(Reference 326 Indiana Administrative Code 13-1.1)

Diesel Vehicle Retrofit and Improvement Grants

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) administers the DieselWise Indiana grant programs to support projects that reduce diesel emissions. DieselWise provides grants ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000 for projects throughout the state. Eligible applicants include private and public entities that operate diesel powered equipment. Eligible projects include replacing or converting a diesel vehicle or vehicle component with one that operates on alternative fuel, as well as installing exhaust retrofit technologies, idle reduction technologies, aerodynamic technologies, and low rolling resistance tires. For more information see the IDEM DieselWise website.

Propane Equipment and Infrastructure Liability Exemption

Propane equipment, infrastructure, and fuel providers are exempt from civil liability for personal injury or property damage resulting from an individual who modifies, repairs, materially alters, or uses propane equipment or fuel for purposes not intended by the manufacturer or fuel producer.

(Reference Indiana Code 34-31-11.2-2)

Vehicle Research and Development Grants

The Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund provides grants and loans to support economic development in high technology industry clusters. Incentives are available for qualified alternative fuel technologies and fuel-efficient vehicle development and production. For more information, see the Indiana Economic Development Corporation website.

(Reference Indiana Code 5-28-16-2)

Laws and Regulations

Alternative Fuel and Special Fuel Definitions

The definition of alternative fuel includes propane. Special fuel is defined as all combustible gases and liquids that are suitable for powering an internal combustion engine or motor or are used exclusively for heating, industrial, or farm purposes. Special fuels include biodiesel, blended biodiesel, and natural gas products, including liquefied and compressed natural gas.

(Reference Indiana Code 6-6-2.5-1 and 6-6-2.5-22)

Alternative Fuel and Special Fuel Inventory Tax

Owners of fuel that have title to a fuel storage tank containing propane, biodiesel, blended biodiesel, or natural gas for sale to a motor carrier for highway use in Indiana are subject to an inventory tax. The tax rate is based on the number of gallons of fuel in storage at the close of business on the inventory date, minus the amount of fuel that is below the mouth of the draw pipe. To account for the fuel that will not be pumped, a fuel owner may deduct 200 gallons from the fuel inventory for a fuel storage tank with a capacity of less than 10,000 gallons, and 400 gallons for a fuel storage tank with a capacity of over 10,000 gallons.

(Reference Indiana Code 6-6-4.1 and 6-6-2.5-29)

Certified Technology Park Designation

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) may designate an area as a certified technology park if certain criteria are met, including a commitment from at least one business engaged in a high technology activity that creates a significant number of jobs. The establishment of high technology activities and public facilities within a technology park serves a public purpose and benefits the public’s general welfare by encouraging investment, job creation and retention, and economic growth and diversity. High technology activities include advanced vehicles technology, which is any technology that involves electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, or alternative fuel vehicles, or components used in the construction of these vehicles. For more information, see the IEDC Indiana Certified Technology Parks website.

(Reference Indiana Code 36-7-32)

Propane Vehicle Decals

An individual may place propane into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle only if the vehicle has a valid alternative fuel decal affixed to the front windshield or the individual has applied for a decal within the last 30 days. The cost of the decal varies according to vehicle type and the gross vehicle weight rating. The annual fee may be prorated if the vehicle is newly purchased, registered in Indiana, or converted to operate using an alternative fuel. For propane vehicles registered outside of Indiana, owners must purchase a temporary trip permit from a licensed propane dealer. For more information, see the Indiana Department of Revenue Fuel Tax Forms website.

(Reference Indiana Code 6-6-14, 6-6-2.5-22, and 6-6-2.5-67)

Point of Contact
Special Tax Division
Indiana Department of Revenue
Phone: (317) 615-2630

Special Fuel License Tax

Certain special fuels sold or used to propel motor vehicles are subject to a license tax. Liquefied natural gas is subject to a tax per diesel gallon equivalent. Compressed natural gas, butane, and propane are subject to a tax per gasoline gallon equivalent. From July 1, 2018, through July 1, 2024, the tax rate will be determined each year based on the special fuel tax index factor. The tax does not apply to nominal biodiesel blends of at least 20% (B20); special fuel used only for personal, noncommercial use and not for resale; and biodiesel used by a biodiesel producer holding an exemption certificate. Other exemptions apply. For the current tax rate and more information, see the Indiana Miscellaneous Tax Rates website.

(Reference Indiana Code 6-6-2.5 and 6-6-1.6)

More Laws and Incentives

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