Connecticut Laws and Incentives

Listed below are the summaries of all current Connecticut laws, incentives, regulations, funding opportunities, and other initiatives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, advanced technologies, or air quality. You can go directly to summaries of:

State Incentives

Zero Emission School Bus Funding and Technical Assistance

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) must establish and administer a grant program to provide matching funds necessary for municipalities, school districts and school bus operators for the purchase or lease of zero-emission school buses and electric vehicle charging stations. School districts within environmental justice communities will be prioritized. In addition, DEEP must provide administrative and technical assistance to municipalities, school districts, and school bus operators that are transitioning to zero-emission school buses and installing electric vehicle charging stations.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 22a-201d)

Connecticut’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Planning

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) NEVI Formula Program requires the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to submit an annual EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan (Plan) to the DOT and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office), describing how the state intends to distribute NEVI funds. The submitted plans must be established according to NEVI guidance.

For more information about Conneticut’s NEVI planning process, see the CTDOT NEVI website. To review Conneticut’s NEVI plan, see the Joint Office State Plans for EV Charging website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Grants

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) allocates a portion of its designated funds from the Volkswagen (VW) Environmental Mitigation Trust for the deployment of public Level 1, Level 2, and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations through the Diesel Emissions Mitigation Program (Program). The Program provides funding in the following amounts:

Applicant Type Funding Amount
Municipalities, state agencies, and other public entities Up to 65% of the cost to purchase, install, and maintain EV charging stations for public, government fleet, or government employee use
Non-government entities Up to 60% of the cost to purchase, install, and maintain publicly available EV charging stations

Priority will be given to projects located in environmental justice communities. For more information, including additional eligibility requirements, see the DEEP VW Grant Information website.

Diesel Emissions Reductions Grants

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) provides U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funding for projects that reduce diesel emissions in Connecticut. Funding for eligible project costs is available for government agencies organizations, and businesses that reduce diesel emissions by converting engines to alternative fuels, retrofitting exhaust controls, purchasing new vehicles, or adding idle reduction equipment. DEEP prioritizes projects that benefit environmental justice communities. Additional terms and conditions apply. For more information, including funding amounts and how to apply, see the DEEP DERA Grants website.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate

The Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate Program (CHEAPR) offers point-of-sale rebates of up to $9,500 for the incremental cost to purchase or lease a FCEV, EV, or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). The manufacturer suggested retail price for new eligible vehicles may not exceed $50,000.

CHEAPR offers an additional rebate, Rebate Plus, for qualifying individuals who purchase or lease a new or pre-owned eligible vehicle. Rebate Plus applicants must reside in an environmental justice community or distressed municipality, participate in a qualifying state or federal income program, or have an income less than 300% the federal poverty line. The CHEAPR rebate may only be combined with the Rebate Plus for the purchase or lease of new vehicles.

Rebates are offered in the following amounts:

Vehicle Type CHEAPR Standard Rebate Plus - New Vehicle Rebate Plus - Used Vehicle
PHEV $750 $1,500 $1,125
EV $2,250 $2,000 $3,000
FCEV $7,500 $2,000 $7,500

Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, see the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection CHEAPR website.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 22a-202)

Loans for Residential Charging or Natural Gas Fueling Infrastructure

The Connecticut Green Bank offers Smart-E low-interest loans for Connecticut electric vehicle (EV) drivers to purchase Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations or natural gas vehicle fueling equipment. To qualify, applicants must own and occupy the residence at which the EV charging stations or natural gas fueling equipment will be installed. For more information, see the Connecticut Green Bank Smart-E Loans website.

Electric Vehicle Emissions Inspection Exemption

Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity are exempt from state motor vehicle emissions inspections. For more information, see the Connecticut Emissions Program website.

(Reference Connecticut General Statues 14-164c)

Idle Reduction Weight Exemption

A commercial vehicle equipped with idle reduction technology may exceed the state’s gross, total axle, total tandem, or bridge formula vehicle weight limits by up to 550 pounds to compensate for the additional weight of the idle reduction technology. The additional weight may not exceed the actual weight of the idle reduction unit.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 14-267c)

Utility / Private Incentives

Fleet Electrification Assessment – United Illuminating (UI)

UI offers advisory services to fleets to analyze fleet electrification opportunities. Eligible applicants must be UI customers and include any commercial, private, or public fleet with light-, medium-, or heavy-duty vehicles. For more information, see the UI EV Programs website.

Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate – United Illuminating (UI)

UI offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1,000 for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. Customers may also receive an additional $100 by creating a charging schedule and enrolling in a managed charging program. For more information, see the UI EV Programs website.

Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - United Illuminating (UI)

UI offers rebates to commercial, municipal, workplace, and multi-unit dwelling customers who purchase and install qualified Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Customers may also receive an additional on-going rebate by creating a charging schedule and enrolling in a managed charging program. Rebates are available for 50% of EV charging station purchase costs and 100% of make-ready installation costs, up to the following amounts:

EV Charging Station Type Maximum Rebate Maximum Rebate for Underserved Communities
Level 2 $20,000 $40,000
DCFC $150,000 $250,000

For more information, including eligibility requirements and a list of qualifying underserved communities, see the UI EV Programs website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Time-of-Use (TOU) Rate - United Illuminating (UI)

UI offers a TOU rate for commercial customers that own or lease eligible EVs. For more information, including how to enroll, see the UI EV Programs website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) and EV Charging Station Rebates - Norwich Public Utilities

Norwich Public Utilities (NPU) offers rebates eligible customers for the purchase or lease of a new or previously-owned EV or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), and the purchase and installation of a qualified EV charging station. Rebates are available in the following amounts:

Vehicle Type Rebate Amount
New PHEV $1000
New EV $1,500
Used PHEV, Model Year (MY) 2019 or newer $500
Used EV, MY 2019 or newer $1,000

EV Charging Station Type Rebate Amount
Residential Level 2 $1,000
Commercial, workplace or multifamily Level 2 $3,000
Commercial, public Level 2 $4,000

For more information, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, see the NPU Electric Vehicle and Charging Rebate Program website.

Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Rate Pilot Program - Eversource

Eversource offers a voluntary rate program for public, separately metered Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Eligibility for this rate is subject to the review and approval of Eversource. For more information, visit the Connecticut EV Rate Program website.

Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - Eversource

Eversource offers rebates to commercial customers who purchase and install qualified Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebates are available for up to 50% of EV charging station purchase cost and up to 100% of make-ready installation costs, up to the following amounts:

EV Charging Station Type Maximum Rebate Underserved Community Maximum Rebate
Level 2 20,000 $40,000
DCFC $150,000 $250,000

For more information, including eligibility requirements and a list of qualifying underserved communities, see the Eversource Connecticut EV Charging Program website.

Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - Eversource

Eversource offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1,000 for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. For more information, see the Eversource Charging Station Rebates website.

Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Rate Incentive – Eversource

Eversource offers residential customers an incentive of up to $200 to enroll in a demand response managed charging program. For more information, see the Eversource ConnectedSolutions website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Support

Connecticut utilities joined the National Electric Highway Coalition (NEHC), committing to create a network of direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations connecting major highway systems from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific of the United States. NEHC utility members agree to ensure efficient and effective fast charging deployment plans that enable long distance EV travel, avoiding duplication among coalition utilities, and complement existing corridor DCFC sites. For more information, including a list of participating utilities and states, see the NEHC website.

Laws and Regulations

Zero Emission Transit Bus Acquisition Requirement

Beginning January 1, 2024, the state may not procure, purchase, or lease diesel transit buses. At least 30% of transit buses purchased or leased by the state must be zero-emission by January 1, 2030. The Commissioner of Administrative Services must study and identify barriers to implementing zero-emission buses state-wide and submit a report of the results to the General Assembly by January 1, 2024.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 4a-67d)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Incentive Requirements

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) established a statewide Electric Vehicle Charging Program (Program). The Program requires utilities to offer incentives for EV charging station infrastructure, increased incentive amounts for underserved communities, and special electricity rates for charging EVs. For more information, see the PURA press release and EV Charging Program website.

(Reference PURA Docket No. 17-12-03RE04)

Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Requirements

Owners and operators of public EV charging stations that require payment must offer multiple payment options. In addition, payment should not require users to pay a subscription fee or obtain a membership of any kind, however payments may be based on price schedules for such memberships. Owners and operators may impose restrictions on the amount of time a vehicle can use the EV charging station.

In addition, owners and operators of public EV charging stations must disclose the location and characteristics of each EV charging station to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center. Information that must be disclosed includes, but is not limited to, address, voltage, and timing restrictions.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 16-19ggg)

Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Task Force and Pilot Program

An AV Task Force was established to study fully AVs. The task force evaluated the standards established by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regarding state responsibilities for regulating AVs and laws proposed or enacted by other states to regulate AVs and recommend how the state should regulate AVs. The task force released a final report in February 2021.

The Connecticut Office of Policy and Management, in consultation with the Departments of Motor Vehicles, Transportation, and Emergency Services and Public Protection, will establish a pilot program for up to four municipalities to allow approved candidates to test AVs on local highways. By July 1, 2020 and annually thereafter, the Office of Policy and Management will submit a report to the General Assembly on the implementation and progress of the pilot program.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 13a-260)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Registration Data

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must record the number of EVs registered in Connecticut. An EV is defined as any all-electric vehicle, fuel cell electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, or range-extended EV. The data must be publicly available on the DMV website and include the total number of EVs registered each year. The DMV must update the information every six months. For more information, see the EValuateCT Dashboard website.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 14-12(I))

State Fleet Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction

A Steering Committee on State Sustainability (Committee) will direct executive branch agencies to reduce GHG emissions from their vehicle fleets by expanding the Lead by Example program. The Committee will develop actions to achieve GHG reduction goals set by the governor. For more information, including program updates, see the Lead By Example Initiative website.

(Reference Executive Order 1, 2019-1)

Public Utility Definition

An owner of an electric vehicle charging station is not defined as a public utility.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 16-1(c))

Utility Company Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Load Projection Requirement

The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority requires electric distribution companies to integrate EV charging load projections into distribution planning. Projections will be based on the number of EVs registered in the state as well as projected fluctuations in EV sales. Electric distribution companies must publish annual reports detailing the EV charging load projections for the company’s distribution planning.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 16-19fff)

Integrated Resources Plan Report

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), in consultation with the electric distribution companies, must deliver a plan that analyzes, among other things, the potential for electric vehicles (EVs) to provide energy storage and other services to the electric grid, and identify strategies to ensure that the grid is prepared to support increased EV charging based on projections of sales of EVs. The report must be delivered biennially. Reports are published biennially and available on the DEEP Integrated Resources Planning website.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 16a-3a through 16a-3e)

Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Procurement Preference

In determining the lowest responsible qualified bidder for the award of state contracts, the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services may give a price preference of up to 10% for the purchase of AFVs or for the purchase of conventional vehicles plus the conversion equipment to convert the vehicles to dual or dedicated alternative fuel use. For these purposes, alternative fuels include natural gas, hydrogen, propane, or electricity used to operate a motor vehicle.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 4a-59)

Ethanol Labeling Requirement

Any motor vehicle fuel sold at retail containing more than 1% ethanol or methanol must be labeled according to Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection specifications to indicate the percentage of ethanol in the fuel.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 16a-15)

Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Study and Procurement

The Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and the Connecticut Department of Transportation must study the feasibility and cost savings of creating and implementing a bid process for the bulk procurement of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, and zero emission buses for the fleet. DAS must publish the study results by January 1, 2024.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 4a-67d)

Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Deployment Support

Connecticut joined California, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont in signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to support the deployment of ZEVs through involvement in a ZEV Program Implementation Task Force (Task Force). In May 2014, the Task Force published a ZEV Action Plan (Plan) identifying 11 priority actions to accomplish the goals of the MOU, including deploying at least 3.3 million ZEVs and adequate fueling infrastructure within the signatory states by 2025. The Plan also includes a research agenda to inform future actions. On an annual basis, each state must report on the number of registered ZEVs, the number of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and hydrogen fueling stations, and available information regarding workplace fueling for ZEVs.

In June 2018, the Task Force published a new ZEV Action Plan for 2018-2021. Building on the 2014 Action Plan, the 2018 Action Plan makes recommendations for states and other key partners in five priority areas:

  • Raising consumer awareness and interest in electric vehicle technology;
  • Building out a reliable and convenient residential, workplace and public charging/fueling infrastructure network;
  • Continuing and improving access to consumer purchase and non-financial incentives;
  • Expanding public and private sector fleet adoption; and
  • Supporting dealership efforts to increase ZEV sales.

For more information, see the Multi-State ZEV Task Force website.

Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MHD) Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Deployment Support

California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington (signatory states) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to support the deployment of MHD ZEVs through involvement in a Multi-State ZEV Task Force (Task Force).

In July 2022, the Task Force published a multi-state action plan to support electrification of MHD vehicles. The action plan includes strategies and recommendations to accomplish the goals of the MOU, including limiting all new MHD vehicle sales in the signatory states to ZEVs by 2050, accelerating the deployment of MHD ZEVs, and ensuring MHD ZEV deployment also benefits disadvantaged communities.

For more information, see the MHD ZEVs: Action Plan Development Process website.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment Goal

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released the EV Roadmap for Connecticut (Roadmap), a framework to accelerate EV adoption. The Roadmap sets a state goal for 20% of the statewide light-duty fleet, or 500,000 vehicles, to be EVs by 2030. The Roadmap complements strategies identified in the Zero Emission Vehicle Deployment Support, including fleet electrification, expanding EV charging station infrastructure, establishing EV charging stations interoperability criteria, minimizing grid impacts, advancing building codes, streamlining permitting requirements, leveraging incentives, and increasing education and outreach. For more information, see the DEEP Roadmap website.

Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Implementation Plan

The Connecticut Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, developed the Connecticut Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Deployment Transportation Strategy: 2011-2050 to identify strategies to expand the availability and use of hydrogen fuel and renewable energy sources. The strategy includes a plan to implement zero emission buses on a state-wide basis, addresses the technological, facility, and financial arrangements necessary to fully implement a zero emissions bus fleet, and identifies specific locations for hydrogen fueling stations along state highways and other locations.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 13b-38dd)

Alternative Fuel and Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Acquisition and Emissions Reduction Requirements

Cars and light-duty trucks purchased by state agencies must meet the following requirements:

  • Have an average U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated fuel economy of at least 40 miles per gallon;
  • Comply with state fleet vehicle acquisition requirements set forth under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct); and
  • Obtain the best achievable fuel economy per pound of carbon dioxide emitted for the applicable vehicle classes.

Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) that the state purchases to comply with these requirements must be capable of operating on an EPAct-defined alternative fuel that is available in the state.

In addition, all cars and light-duty trucks that the state purchases or leases must be hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, or capable of using alternative fuel. All AFVs purchased or leased must be certified to the California Air Resources Board’s (ARB) Ultra Low Emission Vehicle II (ULEV II) standard, and all light-duty gasoline vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles the state purchases or leases must be certified, at a minimum, to the California ARB ULEV II standard.

Beginning January 1, 2026, cars and light-duty trucks purchased by state agencies must meet the following electric vehicle (EV) acquisition goals:

  • 50% of vehicle acquisitions must be EVs by 2026;
  • 75% of vehicle acquisitions must be EVs by 2028; and,
  • 100% of vehicle acquisitions must be EVs by 2030.

Lower EV maintenance costs must be considered when Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) leases vehicles to other state agencies. The DAS must report annually on the composition of the state fleet, including the volume of alternative fuels used. Beginning January 1, 2026, and annually thereafter, if procurement of light-duty cars and trucks purchased by the state does not meet the ZEV procurement requirements, DAS must submit an explanatory report to the General Assembly.

Vehicles that the Connecticut Department of Public Safety designates as necessary for the Department of Public Safety to carry out its mission are exempt from these provisions.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 4a-67d)

School Bus Emissions Reduction

Each full-sized school bus with a Model Year (MY) 1994 or newer engine must be equipped with specific emissions control systems, including either: a closed crankcase filtration system and a level 1, level 2, or level 3 device; an engine that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has certified as meeting MY 2007 emissions standards; or use of compressed natural gas or other alternative fuel that EPA or the California Air Resources Board has certified to reduce particulate matter emissions by at least 85% as compared to ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. Beginning January 1, 2035, school districts may only purchase zero-emission school buses, and all school buses in Connecticut must be zero emission by 2040. School districts within environmental justice communities must transition to zero emission buses by January 1, 2030. School districts may enter zero-emission school bus contracts for 10-year periods.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 14-164o, and 22a-201e)

Idle Reduction Requirement

School bus operators may not idle a school bus engine for more than three consecutive minutes except under the following conditions: uncontrollable traffic conditions or mechanical difficulties; operation of heating, cooling, safety or auxiliary equipment; outdoor temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit; maintenance of a safe temperature for students with special needs; school bus repair; or receipt or discharge of passengers on a public highway or road. An infraction applies to violators of these regulations for the first offense and a fine from $100 to $500 applies for each succeeding offense.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 14-277)

Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Requirements and Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Standards

The Connecticut LEV Program requires that all new vehicles sold in Connecticut meet California motor vehicle emissions and compliance requirements specified in Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations. These regulations apply to new vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 14,000 pounds. Manufacturers must meet the greenhouse gas emissions standard and the ZEV production and sales requirements. Beginning July 1, 2022, these regulations may apply to medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. For more information, see the Connecticut LEV Program website.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 22a-174g and Reference Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies 22a-174-36b)

Aftermarket Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Conversion Requirements

All AFV conversions must meet current applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or California Air Resources Board standards for aftermarket conversions. Aftermarket systems must be properly certified for the specific vehicle or engine family that is being converted. An aftermarket AFV conversion is defined as a conventional original equipment manufacturer vehicle altered to operate on propane, natural gas, methane, ethanol, or electricity.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 22a-174g)

Emissions Reduction Credits

Any state mobile emissions reduction credits program must allow credits for emissions reductions achieved by converting a vehicle to operate on an alternative fuel, even if the conversion took place before the credit program began.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 22a-174i)

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Propane Tax

CNG and propane used in motor vehicles is subject to a state motor fuel tax rate of $0.26 per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE). For taxation purposes, one GGE is equal to 123.57 standard cubic feet of natural gas and 35.97 cubic feet of propane. For more information, see the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services Special Notice website.

(Reference Special Notice 2014-2 and Connecticut General Statutes 12-458)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Policies for Condominiums

Beginning October 1, 2022, condominium associations may not prohibit or restrict the installation or use of EV charging stations. These entities may put reasonable restrictions on EV charging stations, but the policies may not discourage or add obstacles to the use of EV charging stations. Reasonable restrictions may not increase the cost of the EV charging station or reduce its efficiency or performance. The EV charging station installer must obtain appropriate approvals from the common interest development association, comply with applicable architectural standards, engage a licensed installation contractor, provide a certificate of insurance, register the EV charging station with the association, meet health and building standards, and pay for the electricity usage, maintenance, and other costs associated with the EV charging station until it is removed by the homeowner.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 47-68a and 47-261b)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Policies for Rental Properties

Landlords must approve a tenant’s written request to install an EV charging station in their designated parking space. This requirement takes effect at different times based on the number of units a landlord owns, according to the following schedule:

Number of Units Owned Effective Date
250 or more October 1, 2022
At least 50 but no more than 250 October 1, 2023
Less than 50 October 1, 2024

All modifications and improvements must comply with federal, state, and local laws and all applicable zoning and land use requirements, covenants, conditions, and restrictions. The EV charging station installer is responsible for the cost of the installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement of the equipment; electricity consumption; and any resulting damage to the EV charging station or surrounding area. The EV charging station must be designated as a fixture of the rental property if not removed upon the termination of the lease. Additional terms, conditions, or exclusions may apply.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 47a-1 and 47a-13b)

State Building Electric Vehicle Charging Station Standards

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment must develop standards for construction of state buildings, which include standards electric vehicle charging stations standards and meet or exceed Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver levels.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 16a-38k)

Mandatory Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Building Standards

Beginning January 1, 2023, new state buildings with project costs greater than $100,000 must install Level 2 EV charging stations at a minimum of 20% of light-duty vehicle (LDV) parking spaces. New commercial or multi-unit dwelling buildings with at least 30 LDV parking spaces must be capable of supporting Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations at 10% of such spaces.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 4b-77)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Requirement

An individual may not park a motor vehicle in a parking space equipped with a public charging station unless that vehicle is a EV. An infraction applies for non-EVs that park in spaces with public charging stations.

(Reference House Bill 7140, 2019 and Connecticut General Statutes 16-19ggg)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Policies at State Agencies

Beginning October 1, 2022, an individual may not park a motor vehicle in a state agency parking space equipped with an EV charging station unless the vehicle is an EV. EVs may not charge longer than the maximum time limit set by each state agency. State agencies must assess and collect fees from public and employee users to recover EV charging station installation costs unless users are charging a state-owned EV.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 4b-13a)

Hydrogen and Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate Program Administration

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) must further develop the Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate (CHEAPR) program by:

  • Establishing an Advisory Board of various government and industry members to direct the allocation of CHEAPR funds;
  • Providing at least 3 million dollars of rebates and vouchers to residents for the purchase or lease of new or pre-owned EV or fuel cell electric vehicle annually;
  • Prioritizing the allocation of funds to residents of environmental justice communities;
  • Beginning on June 20, 2024, reporting annually on the effectiveness of the CHEAPR program; and,
  • Conducting outreach programs and marketing campaigns for the promotion of the program.

(Reference Connecticut General Statutes 22a-202)

Hydrogen Development Support

By December 31, 2024, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) must develop and approve a hydrogen strategic plan that recommends policies, programs, and regulations to support Connecticut’s hydrogen economy. The strategic plan must, among other things, prioritize the use of hydrogen in the transportation sector and assess the cost difference between using hydrogen and fossil fuels in transportation and other sectors.

The Commissioner of DEEP and the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development must collaborate to pursue federal funding opportunities for state hydrogen projects.

(Reference House Bill 6851, 2023)

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Accessibility Requirements

In October 2022, the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) set requirements for accessible EV charging stations by adopting the 2021 International Building Code by the International Council Code (ICC), 2017 ICC A117.1, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Section 502.11.

Accessible EV charging stations must have an accessible route from the aisle adjacent to the parking space to the clear floor space. The accessible route must be unobstructed from bollards, curbs, or wheels stops, and remain unobstructed during charging. Meters and pay stations associated with EV charging stations must have displays and information visible from a point located no more than 40 inches above the center of the clear space in front of the parking meter or parking pay station.

For more information, see the DAS Building and Fire Code Adoption Process website.

(Reference Connecticut State Building Code, Section 502.10.2 through 502.11.3)