Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future
The Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future outlines a three-part strategy: 1) Develop and secure America's energy supplies; 2) provide consumers with more choices of alternative fuels and advanced and fuel-efficient vehicles, alternative means of transportation; and 3) innovate our way to a clean energy future by creating markets for innovative clean technologies that are ready to deploy and by funding cutting edge research to produce the next generation of technologies.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles can play an important role in the portfolio of sustainable transportation fuel options, reduce dependence on imported oil and enable global economic leadership for America.
Hydrogen Safety, Codes, and Standards
Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are poised to play an integral role in our energy future. This publication covers hydrogen safety facts, research, and codes and standards to safely build, maintain, and operate hydrogen applications and fuel cell systems.
Natural Gas Vehicles: Status, Barriers, and Opportunities
In the United States, recent shale gas discoveries have generated renewed interest in using natural gas as a vehicular fuel, primarily in fleet applications, while outside the United States, natural gas vehicle use has expanded significantly in the past decade. In this report for the U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Cities Program we have examined the state ofnatural gas vehicle technology, current market status, energy and environmentalbenefits, implications regarding advancements in European natural gas vehicletechnologies, research and development efforts, and current market barriers andopportunities for greater market penetration. The authors contend that commercial intracity trucks are a prime area for advancement of this fuel. Therefore, we examined an aggressive future market penetration of natural gas heavy-duty vehicles that could be seen as a long-term goal.
Authors: Rood-Werpy, M; Santini, D.; Burnham, A.; Mintz, M.
Hydrogen Production Roadmap: Technology Pathways to the Future
This Hydrogen Production roadmap was constructed by the Hydrogen Production Technical Team (HPTT) of the FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership to identify the key challenges and priority research and development (R&D) needs associated with various hydrogen fuel production technologies.
The goal of the roadmap is to facilitate development of commercial hydrogen production via various technology pathways in the near and long term. DOE?s current hydrogen cost targets are $3.00 per gallon of gasoline equivalent3 (gge) at fueling stations and $2.00 per gge at a central facility (also known as the ?plant? gate).
Full Fuel-Cycle Comparison of Forklift Propulsion Systems
This report examines forklift propulsion systems and addresses the potential energy and environmental implications of substituting fuel cell propulsion for existing technologies based on batteries and fossil fuels. Industry data and the Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model are used to estimate full fuel-cycle emissions and use of primary energy sources. Also considered are other environmental concerns at work locations. The benefits derived from using fuel cell propulsion are determined by the sources of electricity and hydrogen. In particular, fuel cell forklifts using hydrogen made from the reforming of natural gas had lower impacts than those using hydrogen from electrolysis.
Authors: Gaines, L.L.; Elgowainy, A.; Wang, M.Q.
Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2007
This report summarizes the Department of Energy's Clean Cities coalition accomplishments in 2007, including petroleum displacement data, membership, funding, sales of alternative fuel blends, deployment of AFVs and HEVs, idle reduction initiatives, and fuel economy activities.
Authors: Johnson, C.; Bergeron, P.
SunLine Begins Extended Testing of Hybrid Fuel Cell Bus
After 15 years of CNG-fueled transit buses, SunLine Transit Agency in Palm Springs, California, is seeking to expand its commitment to environmentally friendly alternative power systems by testing a prototype hybrid fuel cell bus.
SunLine Transit Agency Hydrogen-Powered Transit Buses: Third Evaluation Report
This report describes evaluation of operations at SunLine Transit Agency for a prototype fuel cell bus; a prototype hydrogen hybrid internal combustion engine bus; and five new compressed natural gas buses. This is the third evaluation report for SunLine Transit Agency in Thousand Palms, California. This report provides an update to the previous reports (Feb 2007 & Sep 2007) and includes results and experience through March 2008. During the data collection period (Jan 2006 - Mar 2008), SunLine operated the fuel cell bus nearly 51,000 miles in service with an overall fuel economy of 7.19 miles per kg. For comparison, SunLine's CNG buses have an average fuel economy of 3.02 miles per gasoline gallon equivalent. During the same timeframe, the HHICE bus accumulated more than 43,000 miles with an average fuel economy of 4.34 miles per kg.
Authors: Chandler, K.; Eudy, L.
Options for Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles in Greensburg, Kansas
After a devastating tornado that destroyed the town of Greensburg, Kansas in May 2007, plans were developed to rebuild the town as a sustainable community. This report focuses on outlining key success factors of infrastructure, alternative vehicles, and alternative and renewable fuels as part of an integrated energy strategy.
Authors: Harrow, G.
Life-Cycle Assessment of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Effects of Soybean-Derived Biodiesel and Renewable Fuels
The life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas (GHG)emission impacts of three soybean-derived fuels were studied by expanding, updating, and using Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model. The fuels studied included biodiesel produced from soy oil transesterification; renewable diesel produced from hydrogenation of soy oil by using two processes (renewable diesel I and II); and renewable gasoline produced from catalytic cracking of soy oil. Four allocation approaches were used to address the co-products: a displacement approach; two allocation methods, one based on energy value and one based on market value; and a hybrid approach that integrates both the displacement and allocation methods. Each of the four allocation approaches generated different results and demonstrate the importance of the methods used in dealing with co-product issues for these renewable fuels.
Authors: Huo, H.; Wang, M.; Bloyd, C.; Putsche, V.
Validation of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle and Infrastructure Technology
Hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles could play a central role in future transportation system. They produce only electricity, heat, and water at point of use. They could also use predominantly domestic--potentially renewable--energy supplies instead of imported oil for transportation.
Through a 2003 competitive solicitation, DOE selected four automobile manufacturer/energy company teams to participate in the project--Chevron/Hyundai-Kia, DaimlerChrysler/BP, Ford/BP, and GM/Shell. DOE is cost-share fundung those teams to build small fleets of fuel-cell vehicles plus fueling stations to demonstrate their use in five regions of the United States.
The U.S. DOE High Temperature Membrane Program
Membranes used in current Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells require thermal and water management systems to control temperature and keep the membrane humidified. These components increase the weight and volume of the fuel cell system and add complexity. Estimates of the cost of the humidification systems for current membranes range from $5 to $8 per kW, while the thermal management system is estimated to cost $3 to $4 per kW. These costs must be reduced to meet the DOE transporation fuel cell system cost target of $30 per kW for the complete powertrain.
The cost and complexity of the thermal and water management systems could be minimized if the fuel cell operated at higher temperatures (up to 120 degrees C) and at lower relative humidity. Operation at 120 degrees C would also increase the tolerance of fuel cells to CO2, which would in turn reduce the cost of hydrogen from hydrocarbon sources because extraordinary steps would not be necessary to purify the hydrogen.
Authors: Kopasz, J.; Garland, N.; Manheim, A.
Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2006
Clean Cities coordinators submit an annual report of their activities and accomplishments for the previous calendar year. Coordinators submit a range of data that characterize the membership, funding, projects, and activities of their coalitions as well as data about sales of alternative fuel blends, deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, idle reduction initiatives, and fuel economy activities. NREL analyzes the data and translates them into gasoline reduction impacts.
Survey results indicate that about 375 million gallons of gasoline were displaced through Clean Citiew efforts in 2006, 50 percent more than in 2005. Alternative fuel vehicles accounted for 71 percent of the reduction. Biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) used in AFVs displaced 128 million gallons, 34 percent of the total 375 million.
Authors: Bergeron, P.; Putsche, V.