Taking an Alternative Route: A Guide for Fleet Operators and Individual Owners Using Alternative Fuels in Cars and Trucks
DOE has prepared this guide to help you determine whether your fleet is covered by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) and the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), and to provide information on available alternative fuels and vehicles. With this information, fleets can shorten the time it takes to improve air quality and pave our nation's road to energy independence by using AFVs certified to meet EPA's Clean Fuel Fleet standards as well as the mandated EPAct requirements.
State Alternative Fuel Vehicle Incentives: A Decade and More of Lessons Learned
This report assesses the effectiveness of state incentives and suggests incentives that might encourage new vehicle technologies. It does not assess whether a state should promote alternative fuel vehicles or whether such vehicles are the most effective means to reduce air pollution. Rather, the analysis analyzes the effectiveness of state incentives of the past decade and describes the characteristics of effective alternative fuel vehicle incentives and the fiscal implications for a state that is committed to support an effective alternative fuel vehicle program.
Authors: Brown, M.;Breckenridge, L.
Limited Progress in Acquiring Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Reaching Fuel Goals
with the first deadline approaching for EPAct's petroleum replacement goals the GAO was asked to review progress towards achieving EPACT goals. gao was asked to determine the progress made in acquiring alternative fuel vehicles and using altnerative fuels to meeting the act's fuel replacement goals. Also, GAO determined the impediments to using alternative fuel vehicles and the measures that can be taken to address those impediments in order to reach the act's replacement goals.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Real-World Perspectives from the Federal Fleet
Vehicles that run onfuels other than gasoline, or "alternative fuel" vehicles (AFVs), offer great promise for improving air quality and lessening our nation's dependence on imported oil. But if they are to fulfill this promise and replace traditional gasoline vehicles on a large scale, they must meed the needs of the people using them, and consumers must have access to"real-world" information about them. Do they drive as well as gasoline vehicles? Are their refueling stations as convenient as the corner gas station? Can we expect the same reliability that we've come to expect from our gasoline vehicles? How better to answer these questions than to ask the people who are actually running the AFVs? So in 1996, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national labortory, designed a nationwide study to capture the opinions of federal fleet managers and drivers onthe performance, reliability, driveability, and acceptability of AFVs. NREL put together this short brochure to serve as a "quick look" summaryof the surveys and their results.
Authors: Whalen, P
Revision to Addendum to Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum 1A
The purpose of this document is to revise the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Addendum to Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum 1A policy for motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines originally designed to operate on gasoline or diesel fuel and subsequently modified to operate exclusively or in conjunction with compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or propane).
Addendum to Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum 1A
The purpose of this document is to clarify and revise the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) "tampering" enforcement policy for motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines originally designed to operate on gasoline or diesel fuel and subsequently modified to operate exclusively or in conjunction with compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or propane).
A Guide to the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program has been a hallmark of innovation and flexibility under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). By targeting transportation funding to air quality improvement, it is also unique. The CMAQ program has transferred a far greater percentage of funds to transit improvements than any other "flexible funding" program in ISTEA. In addition, the CMAQ program has created opportunities to build new partnerships in the public and private sectors.
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program - Innovations in Transportation & Air Quality: Twelve Exemplary Projects
The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program has been a hallmark of innovation and flexibility under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). By targeting transportation funding to air quality improvement, it is also unique. The CMAQ program has transferred a far greater percentage of funds to transit improvements than any other "flexible funding" program in ISTEA. In addition, the CMAQ program has created opportunities to build new partnerships in the public and private sectors. This brochure highlights several exemplary projects that received CMAQ funds. These projects provide a range of benefits in addition to improved air quality and mobility.
Clean Fuels Paving the Way for America's Future: A Source for Information on Clean Burning Alternative Transportation Fuels
With so many alternative fuels being promoted by various groups, it is important for legislators, the public and all interested parties to understand the different fuels that are available, how they are made, how they are used and their impact on the environment. This brochure is intended to help legislators at all levels to make informed decisions and for the media, with a responsibility of informing the public, to be educated on these issues. The fuels covered in this brochure include: ethanol, ethyl tertiary butyl ether, methanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether, biodiesel, gasoline additives and combustion modifiers, electric vehicles, natural gas and propane. It also summarizes regional and state clean fuel policies and regulations.