Clean Cities and Communities Partnership 2023 Activity Report
Clean Cities and Communities (CC&C) is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partnership within the Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Technology Integration (TI) Program. CC&C advances clean transportation nationwide through collaboration with communities by building partnerships with public and private stakeholders to create equitable deployment of clean transportation solutions that advance the nation’s environment, energy security, and economic prosperity. These efforts help businesses and consumers make smarter and more informed transportation energy choices that can save energy, lower costs, provide resilience through fuel diversification, and reduce emissions. This report summarizes the success and impact of partnership activities based on data and information provided in their 2023 annual reports.
Authors: Singer, M.; Johnson, C.; Wilson, A.; Reichelt, L.; Abdullah, M.; Downs Dybas, N.
Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Sustainable Aviation Fuel
In 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) began publishing its Pathways to Commercial Liftoff Report series, which provides roadmaps for both the public and private sectors to scale the domestic industries of each alternative fuel type, specifically for fuel-related technologies that will accelerate transportation-specific decarbonization. This report, the newest in the series, offers a roadmap for scaling sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The report provides an overview and value proposition; the current state of SAF technologies and markets; pathways towards industry scale; industry action items; metrics to track progress; and more. This document is also intended to exist as a living document, with the DOE updating strategies as research and development progresses.
Authors: Campbell Howe, Elizabeth Rolfes, Dr. Katelyn O'Dell, Dr. Brandon McMurty, Sonali Razdan, Dr. Anne Otwell
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge Roadmap Implementation Framework
Announced in September 2021, the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge is a governmentwide initiative to drive innovation in the domestic SAF industry. The goals of the SAF Grand Challenge seek to achieve lower costs, enhanced sustainability, and expanded production of SAF across the United States. This implementation framework report inventories and maps the current federal capacity to act on the steps laid out in the SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap published in September 2022. This report is intended to inform relevant stakeholders of federal capabilities and programs that will advance the goals laid out in the SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap, importantly highlighting any current barriers or areas for improvement within federal agency programming.
Authors: William Goldner, Justin Bredlau, Prem Lobo, Valerie Reed, Zia Haq, Craig Brown
The 2024 EPA Automotive Trends Report: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Technology since 1975
This report represents the 50th in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Automotive Trends Report series, which provides the U.S. public with up-to-date information on light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fuel economy, technology data, and manufacturers’ performance in meeting the agency’s GHG emissions standards. This edition of the Automotive Trends Report series covers 50 years of fleetwide trends, vehicle attributes and technologies, and manufacturer GHG program compliance.
SAF Policy Scorecard: Evaluating State-Level Sustainable Aviation Fuel Policies in the United States
As several states across the U.S. have begun to adopt or consider policies to expand sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) development, this paper compares key provisions for state-level policies, analyzes the state support available to fund each policy initiative, and assesses the potential of each policy to support federal goals of decarbonization and sustainability. This report also highlights three critical shortcomings in the current U.S. SAF policy landscape: 1) state support for some SAF pathways may not increase overall low-carbon fuel supply; 2) short-term or short-lived policies may impede long-term SAF investment; and 3) existing SAF policy frameworks incentivize the use of SAF without penalizing aviation emissions, violating the “polluter pays” principle.
Authors: Andy Navarrete, Nikita Pavlenko, Jane O'Malley
Electric Vehicle Sales and the Charging Infrastructure Required Through 2035
This report estimates the number of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment needed to support the EV market through 2035. It projects the number of EVs on U.S. roads to reach 78.5 million in 2035 and that nearly 42.2 million charge ports will be needed to support the projected number of EVs. Approximately 325,000 direct current fast charging ports will be needed to support the level of EVs expected to be on U.S. roads in 2035.
Authors: Maiorana, J.; Satterfield, C.; Schefte, K.
U.S. EPA Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) contribute 25% of the U.S. transportation sector’s emissions. To reduce these emissions numbers, on April 22, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published new greenhouse gas emissions standards for HDVs, requiring a 60% emission reduction per ton-mile of freight moved by up to 60% for vocational trucks and up to 40% for tractor trucks by 2032 compared with 2027 levels. This report details the projected benefits of the EPA’s ruling and highlights key elements of the plan, such as the emissions standards themselves, as well as finances, fuel use, electric vehicle battery logistics, and more.
Authors: Yihao Xie
Hydrogen Policy's Narrow Path: Delusions & Solutions
This report examines the growing hydrogen fuel industry within the U.S., providing key takeaways regarding hydrogen’s role in a clean economy, as well as a series of demand-side policy recommendations to boost hydrogen’s uptake in competitive areas, and its adoption in applications where hydrogen is less likely to compete with other alternative clean energy technologies. Where possible, the report offers technology-neutral policy recommendations to support a widescale expansion of hydrogen use. The report ultimately summarizes hydrogen’s use in 12 end-use sectors, detailing hydrogen’s emission reduction potential, infrastructure requirements, social impacts, and strengths and weaknesses.
Authors: Dan Esposito
Advancing NEVI: Recommendations from State NEVI Funding Applicants
This report from the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) offers guidance to future applicants to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funding program. NASEO uses information gleaned from candid, in-depth interviews of first-round NEVI awardees to offer seven key recommendations for future NEVI program leads. These recommendations focus on various aspects of the NEVI award process, including how to enhance proposal quality, streamline application reviews, and accelerate the deployment of NEVI-funded stations. The recommendations also come paired with action items to help applicants get their proposals off the ground.
Solar Power + Electric Vehicle Charging: Capturing Synergies in Minnesota
A suite of aggressive climate action legislation, including a series of solar development commitments, has contributed to Minnesota reducing the carbon intensity of its power sector by 29% over 2013 levels. However, the carbon footprint of each sector has not dropped equally. In 2018, the transportation sector overtook power generation as the leading emissions producer statewide. The same focus on solar energy—combined with electric vehicle (EV) use—offers a vital opportunity for Minnesota to decrease transportation emissions. The analysis in this report examines the underdeveloped synthesis between solar production and EV charging, presenting seven key findings paired with relevant recommendations to transform the market and decrease transportation-based emissions.
Authors: Brian Ross; Katelyn Bocklund; Matthew Prorok; Dane McFarlane; Abby Finis
Community Charging: Emerging Multifamily, Curbside, and Multimodal Practices
This paper discusses the emerging practices and technologies that can be used to bring electric mobility infrastructure to those without access to privately owned electric vehicle (EV) parking or privately owned EVs. Selected case studies from Colorado, California, New York, and outside of the U.S. illustrate curbside and multimodal solutions serving those who live in multifamily housing, residents without private parking, and residents who do not own cars.
Authors: Epstein, A; Ledvina, K; Lian, S; Drake, J; Costa, S; Washington, K
Clean Cities Coalitions 2022 Activity Report
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) works with local Clean Cities coalitions across the country as part of its Technology Integration Program. These efforts help businesses and consumers make smarter and more informed transportation energy choices that can save energy, lower costs, provide resilience through fuel diversification, and reduce emissions. This report summarizes the success and impact of coalition activities based on data and information provided in their annual reports.
Authors: Singer, M.; Johnson, C.; Wilson, A.
A Deep Decarbonization Framework for the United States Economy – a Sector, Sub-Sector, and End-Use Based Approach
Using the recently developed Decarbonization Analysis Model, this report analyzes the estimated greenhouse gas mitigation potential for projected energy demand based on several sector-level and cross-sectoral decarbonization pathways, including electrification, low-carbon fuels, and the reduction of fugitive emissions. The report analyzes the remaining projected emissions and highlights the need for developing low-carbon and carbon-negative alternatives to mitigate the fossil-based carbon emissions resulting from the fossil-based fuels in heavy-duty transportation.
Authors: Kar, S; Hawkins, T; Zaimes, G; Oke, D; Singh, U; Wu, X; Kwon, H; Zhang, S; Zang, G; Zhou, Y; Elgowainy, A; Wang, M; Ma, O