Cradle-to-Grave Lifecycle Analysis of U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle-Fuel Pathways: A Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economic Assessment of Current (2020) and Future (2030-2035) Technologies
This study provides a comprehensive life cycle analysis (LCA), or cradle-to-grave (C2G) analysis, of the cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a variety of vehicle-fuel pathways, the levelized cost of driving (LCD) and cost of avoided GHG emissions. The C2G analysis assesses light duty midsize sedans and small sport utility vehicles (SUVs) across a variety of vehicle-fuel technology pathways, including conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), flexible hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs) with varying vehicle ranges, and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).
Authors: Kelly, J.C.; Elgowainy, A.; Isaac, R.; Ward, J.; Islam, E.; Rousseau, A.; Sutherland, I.; Wallington, T.J.; Alexander, M.; Muratori, M.; Franklin, M.; Adams, J.; Rustagi, N.
Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide (Sixth Edition)
This document is a guide for those who blend, distribute, and use biodiesel and biodiesel blends. It provides basic information on the proper and safe use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends in engines and boilers, and is intended to help fleets, individual users, blenders, distributors, and those involved in related activities understand procedures for handling and using biodiesel fuels.
Authors: McCormick, R; Moriarty, K.
Customer Experience at Public Charging Stations and Its Effects on the Purchase and Use of Electric Vehicles
This report evaluates how consumer experiences at public fast charging stations influence electric vehicle (EV) adoption, including how it impacts the likelihood of current EV drivers purchasing EVs in the future. This report discusses how a better understanding about how the customer experience impacts the adoption of EVs could help create performance metrics for public EV charging stations and ensure that EV adoption meets federal and state goals in coming years.
At A Glance: Electric Vehicles (Un vistazo a los vehículos eléctricos)
Electric-drive vehicles use electricity as their primary fuel or to improve the efficiency of conventional vehicle designs. With the range of styles and options available, there is likely one to meet your needs. Electric vehicles (EVs) include all-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Access this publication in Spanish here and French here.
Notes: This document is intended to be printed double-sided on an 8-1/2 X 11 piece of paper, then folded in half once to present as a brochure.
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Usage and Owner Demographics in New York State
With mounting concerns over climate change and the environmental impact of fossil fuels, the United States has witnessed a growing interest in alternative fuel vehicles (AFV). This report presents the results of an analysis of AFV adoption patterns in New York State and the rest of the United States based on data from the 2017 National Household Travel Survey. Overall, the report reveals the demographics and mobility factors (e.g., household income, homeownership, and trip length) that contribute to the adoption of AFVs. The insights identified in this report can inform policy decisions aimed at promoting sustainable transportation solutions.
Authors: Pan, M; Uddin, M; Biehl, A; Hwang, H
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program Annual Report: Plan Year 2022-2023
The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program was launched in February 2022, providing nearly $5 billion over 5 years to help states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico create a network of electric vehicle charging stations beginning with designated Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Alternative Fuel Corridors, emphasizing the Interstate Highway System. All states submitted deployment plans which were reviewed by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation and FHWA and certified by FHWA in September 2022. This document provides an individual and collective overview of the first-year deployment plans, presents key findings from the first round of NEVI plans, and summarizes the key activities of the Joint Office.
Authors: Chu, J; Gilmore, B; Hassol, J; Jenn, A; Lommele, S; Myers, L; Richardson, H; Schroeder, A; Shah, M
Public EV Charging Station Site Selection Checklist
The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) provides technical assistance on planning and implementation of a national network of electric vehicle (EV) chargers and zero-emission fueling infrastructure, as well as zero-emission transit and school buses. There are several considerations that should be addressed when selecting a site for EV charging stations. This document is a checklist to assist with site selection for publicly available EV charging stations.
Sample Cybersecurity Clauses for EV Charging Infrastructure Procurements
Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure exhibits character traits of cloud computing, Internet of Things, and operational technology. Critically, high-level communications and interconnectedness underlie it all. The benefits of connected technologies also come with cybersecurity risks, which must be managed and are managed most effectively early in the systems engineering process. States and other EV charging infrastructure purchasers can reduce their exposure to cybersecurity risks by including sample cybersecurity procurement language clauses that clearly communicate cybersecurity requirements. This document is a tool and an informative resource to be used in conjunction with other general procurement guidance for assisting state departments of transportation in defining cybersecurity-related procurement specifications.
Authors: Ross O'Neil, L; Carroll, T; Abdelhadi, E; Watson, M; Hammer, C; Psarakis, M
Charging Forward with Electric Trucks
This report covers charging considerations for commercial battery electric vehicles (BEVs) currently in production for freight delivery. Because most BEVs currently are being deployed in the goods movement sector in the medium-duty urban delivery and heavy-duty drayage sectors, many of the best practices and lessons learned come from these applications. And while the report touches on considerations for long-haul BEVs, much of this information is speculative; although battery electric truck deployment for long-haul usage is rapidly expanding, it is still in its pilot phase.
This copyrighted publication can be accessed through North American Council for Freight Efficiency's website.
New York City Department of Transportation Curbside Level 2 EV Charging Pilot: Evaluation Report
In June 2021, New York City Department of Transportation, in partnership with Con Edison, launched the city’s first curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging pilot program. This pilot includes 100 public on-street Level 2 charging stations distributed across 35 locations in the five boroughs. This report provides one of the first comprehensive evaluations of a curbside Level 2 EV charging program in the world. By benchmarking usage patterns and performance, this report provides valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders in major cities. Overall, charging station performance in the first eighteen months exceeded initial expectations.
Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Urban Electric Mobility Infrastructure
This toolkit is meant to be a one-stop resource to help urban communities scope, plan, and fund electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for light-duty electric passenger vehicles. Urban stakeholders, including states, local communities, transportation providers, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals, can use the toolkit to identify key partners for a project, take advantage of relevant planning tools, and identify available funding or financing to help make that project a reality. Armed with the resources in this toolkit, urban communities will have the tools and information they need to start planning and implementing EV infrastructure projects and ultimately realize the benefits of electric mobility.
Bring Electric Vehicle Charging to Your Community: Put Federal Funding & Private Partnerships to Work
This report is designed for local government leaders and offers questions for local governments to consider when developing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The report explores how local leaders can plan EV charging infrastructure projects, partner with utilities, leverage federal funding, and site and deploy charging infrastructure while considering safety and equity for their communities.
Authors: Brooks, J; Aves, K; Funk, K