Arkansas Transportation Data for Alternative Fuels and Vehicles

Find transportation data and information about alternative fuels and advanced vehicles in Arkansas, including laws and incentives, fueling stations, fuel prices, and more.

Clean Cities and Communities Coalitions

Clean Cities and Communities is a U.S. Department of Energy partnership to advance clean transportation nationwide through a network of more than 75 coalitions.

Arkansas has 1 coalition:

Arkansas Clean Cities

Contact a local coalition or regional manager for project assistance or to connect with other local stakeholders.

Transportation Fuel Consumption

Source: State Energy Data System based on beta data converted to gasoline gallon equivalents of petroleum (GGEs) for the transportation sector (which includes more than highway vehicles) from the U.S. Energy Information Administration

Vehicles Registered in 2023

Electric (EV) 7,100
Plug-In Hybrid Electric (PHEV) 3,200
Hybrid Electric (HEV) 37,000
Biodiesel 37,000
Ethanol/Flex (E85) 276,700
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 200
Propane 0
Hydrogen 0
Methanol 0
Gasoline 2,246,100
Diesel 90,700
Unknown Fuel 10,300

Source: Light-duty vehicle registration counts from TransAtlas with data from Experian Information Solutions


Regional Fuel Prices

Average fuel prices as of April 2024

Fuel Gulf Coast Region National Average
per unit sold per GGE per unit sold per GGE
Biodiesel (B20) $3.71/gallon $3.38/GGE $3.94/gallon $3.59/GGE
Ethanol (E85) $2.77/gallon $3.91/GGE $2.96/gallon $4.17/GGE
Natural Gas (CNG) $2.76/GGE $2.76/GGE $2.90/GGE $2.90/GGE
Propane $3.26/gallon $4.50/GGE $3.45/gallon $4.76/GGE
Gasoline $3.15/gallon $3.15/GGE $3.65/gallon $3.65/GGE
Diesel $3.58/gallon $3.22/GGE $4.07/gallon $3.66/GGE

Source: Average prices per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) for the Gulf Coast PADD from the Alternative Fuel Price Report

Electricity Sources and Vehicle Emissions

Source: Electricity Sources and Emissions Tool based on assumptions with 2022 data from EIA