Biodiesel and Ethanol Infrastructure Grants

Archived: 09/30/2022

The Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) offers business grants for the development, construction, installation, upgrade, or retrofit of biofuel infrastructure. Ethanol blends must be 15% ethanol (E15) or higher and biodiesel blends must be 6% biodiesel (B6) or higher. Funding is available in the following amounts:

Tier Level Applicant Type Allocation of Funds Application Fee Maximum Grant (whichever is less)
Tier 1 Terminal company, fuel distributor, or fuel retailer 75% $500 50% or $500.000
Tier 2 Any fuel retailer with five or less stations, fleet operations, or individual businesses 25% $300 75% or $250,000

For more information, including eligibility and how to apply, see MDA’s Biofuel Infrastructure Incentive Program website.

Jurisdiction: Missouri

Type: State Incentives

Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol

See all Missouri Laws and Incentives.