Renewable Fuels Commission
Archived: 01/01/2010
The Michigan Renewable Fuels Commission (Commission) was established within the Michigan Department of Agriculture to investigate and recommend strategies that the governor and legislature may implement to promote the use of renewable fuels and alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). The Commission will also identify mechanisms that promote renewable fuel research and effective communication and coordination of efforts between state and local governments, private industry, and institutes of higher education. The commission may also review any state regulation that may hinder the use, research, and development of renewable fuels and AFVs, and recommend changes to the governor. In June 2007, the Commission submitted a report on its investigation and recommendations to the legislature and the governor. The Commission must issue follow-up reports at least annually through January 1, 2010. (Reference Michigan Compiled Laws 290.581-290.586)
Jurisdiction: Michigan
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: Jul 7, 2006
Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol
See all Michigan Laws and Incentives.