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Miles of U.S. Transportation Infrastructure in 2021
Miles of U.S. Transportation Infrastructure in 2021
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Table 1-1: System Mileage Within the United States
Notes: Highways include all public streets and roads. The majority of Amtrack is operated on right-of-way owned by freight or transit rail, which claim the route miles. Navigable waterways do not include the Great Lakes or deep ocean traffic. Liquid pipelines are primarily for petroleum products. Gas pipelines are primarily for natural gas.
This chart shows the distance covered by various types of transportation infrastructure in the United States in 2021. At more than 4 million miles, highways and other roads cover vastly more miles than any other type of transportation infrastructure. Gas pipelines cover more than 11 times as much distance than liquid (petroleum) pipelines, making them more redundant and therefore resilient to natural disasters.
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